a man meditating

How to Choose the Best Type of Yoga for You?

Yoga is a practice that can improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It can help you increase your flexibility, strength, balance, joint health, and more. It can also help you reduce stress, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. But with so many different types of yoga available, how do you know which one is right for you?

In this post, we will explore the benefits, features, and suitability of 10 different types of yoga, from Hatha to Bikram, and from Yin to Aerial. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the best type of yoga for your goals, preferences, and level of experience.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a multimodal form of exercise that originated in India thousands of years ago. The word “yoga” means “to yoke” or “to unite” in Sanskrit, and it refers to the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is not just a physical practice, but also a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a path to enlightenment.

Yoga consists of eight limbs, or aspects, that cover various practices and disciplines. These are:

  • Yama: ethical guidelines for living harmoniously with others
  • Niyama: personal observances for self-care and growth
  • Asana: physical postures that enhance health and vitality
  • Pranayama: breathing techniques that regulate energy and calm the mind
  • Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses from external distractions
  • Dharana: concentration on a single point of focus
  • Dhyana: meditation or sustained awareness of the present moment
  • Samadhi: bliss or union with the ultimate reality

Most people in the West are familiar with yoga asana, or the physical practice of yoga. However, yoga asana is only one aspect of yoga, and it can be complemented by other practices, such as meditation, breath work, chanting, mantra, prayer, and even selfless action.

Types of Yoga

There are many types of yoga, each with its own style, pace, intensity, and focus. Some types of yoga are more traditional, while others are more modern and creative. Some types of yoga are more suitable for beginners, while others are more challenging and require more experience. Here are 10 of the most popular types of yoga, along with their benefits, features, and difficulty levels.

Hatha Yoga

hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is the foundation for all yoga styles and refers to any practice that combines asana, pranayama, and meditation. Hatha yoga is a general term that can encompass many different subtypes of yoga, such as Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Bikram.

Hatha yoga is a great choice for beginners, as it introduces the basic principles and techniques of yoga in a simple and accessible way. Hatha yoga can also be beneficial for intermediate and advanced practitioners, as it allows them to deepen their practice and refine their alignment, awareness, and breath control.

Hatha yoga classes are usually slow-paced, gentle, and balanced, with a focus on physical and mental well-being. Hatha yoga can help you improve your flexibility, strength, posture, balance, and relaxation. It can also help you reduce stress, tension, and pain.

Some examples of Hatha yoga poses are:

  • Mountain pose: a standing pose that promotes grounding, stability, and awareness
  • Tree pose: a balancing pose that improves concentration, coordination, and confidence
  • Standing half forward bend: a forward fold that stretches the hamstrings, back, and neck
  • Downward dog pose: an inverted pose that strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs, and lengthens the spine
  • Bridge pose: a backbend that opens the chest, hips, and thighs, and stimulates the thyroid and heart
  • Locust pose: a prone pose that strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings, and improves posture

The difficulty level of Hatha yoga is: Beginner

Iyengar Yoga

iyengar yoga

Iyengar yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century. Iyengar yoga is known for its emphasis on precision, alignment, and detail in every pose.

Iyengar yoga uses a variety of props, such as blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters, and chairs, to help students of all ages, abilities, and conditions find the optimal position and support for each pose. Iyengar yoga also teaches students how to adjust and modify the poses according to their individual needs and goals.

Iyengar yoga is a good option for people who want to learn the correct and safe way to practice yoga, as well as for those who have injuries, illnesses, or limitations that prevent them from doing other types of yoga. Iyengar yoga can help you improve your flexibility, strength, balance, posture, and joint health. It can also help you relieve pain, inflammation, and stress.

Some examples of Iyengar yoga poses are:

  • Triangle pose: a standing pose that stretches the legs, hips, and torso, and improves alignment and stability
  • Warrior II pose: a standing pose that strengthens the legs, arms, and core, and enhances focus and confidence
  • Chair pose: a squatting pose that tones the thighs, glutes, and calves, and challenges the balance and endurance
  • Cobra pose: a lying pose that lifts the chest, shoulders, and head, and opens the front of the body
  • Shoulderstand pose: an inverted pose that supports the neck, shoulders, and back, and stimulates the thyroid and brain
  • Reclining bound angle pose: a resting pose that relaxes the hips, groin, and inner thighs, and calms the nervous system

The difficulty level of Iyengar yoga is: Beginner to Intermediate

Ashtanga Yoga

ashtanga yoga pose

Ashtanga yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was popularized by K. Pattabhi Jois, a disciple of B.K.S. Iyengar. Ashtanga yoga is a rigorous and dynamic practice that follows a fixed sequence of poses, linked by breath and movement. There are six series of poses in Ashtanga yoga, each with increasing levels of difficulty and complexity.

Ashtanga yoga is a good choice for people who want a challenging and structured workout, as well as for those who seek discipline, consistency, and progress in their practice. Ashtanga yoga can help you improve your strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination, and concentration. It can also help you detoxify your body, calm your mind, and purify your spirit.

Some examples of Ashtanga yoga poses are:

  • Sun salutation A: a series of 9 poses that warm up the body, synchronize the breath and movement, and prepare for the rest of the practice
  • Sun salutation B: a series of 17 poses that add more intensity, strength, and balance to the warm-up
  • Standing sequence: a series of 12 poses that stretch and strengthen the legs, hips, and spine, and improve balance and stability
  • Primary series: a series of 41 poses that focus on forward bends, twists, and hip openers, and cleanse the internal organs
  • Intermediate series: a series of 40 poses that focus on backbends, inversions, and arm balances, and stimulate the nervous system
  • Advanced series: a series of 52 poses that require high levels of strength, flexibility, and skill, and challenge the physical and mental limits

The difficulty level of Ashtanga yoga is: Intermediate to Advanced

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga pose

Vinyasa yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that derives from Ashtanga yoga, but with more freedom and creativity. Vinyasa yoga is a fluid and dynamic practice that connects each pose with a breath and a movement, creating a continuous flow of energy and awareness. Vinyasa yoga does not follow a fixed sequence of poses, but rather varies depending on the teacher, the theme, the level, and the mood of the class.

Vinyasa yoga is a good option for people who want a diverse and fun workout, as well as for those who seek variety, spontaneity, and creativity in their practice. Vinyasa yoga can help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, muscle tone, flexibility, balance, and coordination. It can also help you release stress, tension, and emotions.

Some examples of Vinyasa yoga poses are:

  • Warrior I pose: a standing pose that strengthens the legs, arms, and core, and opens the chest and hips
  • Chaturanga pose: a plank-like pose that lowers the body to the floor, engaging the arms, shoulders, and core
  • Upward dog pose: a lying pose that lifts the chest, shoulders, and head, and stretches the front of the body
  • Three-legged dog pose: a variation of downward dog pose that lifts one leg up, opening the hip and hamstring
  • Crescent lunge pose: a lunging pose that stretches the legs, hips, and groin, and challenges the balance and stability
  • Wild thing pose: a backbend pose that flips the body over, opening the chest, shoulder, and hip, and expressing joy and freedom

The difficulty level of Vinyasa yoga is: Beginner to Advanced

Bikram Yoga

hot yoga, bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was created by Bikram Choudhury, a former weightlifter and yoga champion. Bikram yoga is a hot and sweaty practice that consists of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, performed in a room heated to 40°C (104°F) and 40% humidity. Each pose is held for a specific duration and repeated twice.

Bikram yoga is a good option for people who want a intense and consistent workout, as well as for those who seek detoxification, weight loss, and healing in their practice. Bikram yoga can help you improve your circulation, metabolism, immunity, and skin. It can also help you reduce inflammation, pain, and stress.

Some examples of Bikram yoga poses are:

  • Half moon pose: a standing pose that bends the body to the side, stretching the spine, ribs, and hips
  • Awkward pose: a squatting pose that lifts the heels, strengthening the legs, ankles, and feet
  • Eagle pose: a balancing pose that wraps the arms and legs around each other, squeezing the joints and muscles
  • Standing head to knee pose: a balancing pose that extends one leg forward, folding the body over it
  • Triangle pose: a standing pose that twists the body to the side, opening the chest, hips, and hamstrings
  • Camel pose: a kneeling pose that arches the back, reaching the hands to the heels, and expanding the chest, throat, and abdomen

The difficulty level of Bikram yoga is: Intermediate

Yin Yoga

tin yoga pose

Yin yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was influenced by Taoist philosophy and Chinese medicine. Yin yoga is a slow and meditative practice that targets the deeper layers of connective tissue, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia, in the body. Yin yoga poses are mostly seated or lying down, and are held for 3 to 5 minutes or longer.

Yin yoga is a good option for people who want a relaxing and restorative workout, as well as for those who seek balance, harmony, and introspection in their practice. Yin yoga can help you improve your flexibility, mobility, circulation, and joint health. It can also help you release tension, stress, and emotions.

Some examples of Yin yoga poses are:

  • Butterfly pose: a seated pose that brings the soles of the feet together, opening the hips, groin, and inner thighs
  • Dragon pose: a lunging pose that stretches the front leg and the back hip, stimulating the kidney and liver meridians
  • Sphinx pose: a lying pose that props the chest, shoulders, and head on the forearms, creating a gentle backbend
  • Caterpillar pose: a seated pose that folds the body over the legs, stretching the spine, hamstrings, and lower back
  • Half saddle pose: a reclining pose that bends one knee and extends the other leg, opening the hip, thigh, and knee
  • Sleeping swan pose: a prone pose that brings one knee to the chest and extends the other leg back, opening the hip, groin, and glute

The difficulty level of Yin yoga is: Beginner

Restorative Yoga

restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was inspired by Iyengar yoga, but with more emphasis on relaxation and healing. Restorative yoga is a gentle and soothing practice that uses props, such as bolsters, blankets, pillows, and eye masks, to support the body in comfortable and passive poses. Restorative yoga poses are usually held for 10 to 20 minutes or longer.

Restorative yoga is a good option for people who want a calming and nurturing workout, as well as for those who seek recovery, rejuvenation, and peace in their practice. Restorative yoga can help you improve your immune system, digestion, sleep, and mood. It can also help you reduce fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Some examples of Restorative yoga poses are:

  • Child’s pose: a kneeling pose that rests the forehead on the floor or a prop, relaxing the back, hips, and shoulders
  • Supported fish pose: a reclining pose that elevates the chest and head on a prop, opening the heart, lungs, and throat
  • Legs up the wall pose: an inverted pose that rests the legs on a wall or a prop, draining the blood and lymph from the lower body
  • Supported twist pose: a lying pose that twists the spine and hips to the side, supported by a prop, releasing the lower back and abdomen
  • Supported bridge pose: a backbend pose that lifts the hips and lower back on a prop, opening the chest, hips, and thighs
  • Corpse pose: a resting pose that lies flat on the back, supported by props, surrendering the body and mind to the present moment

The difficulty level of Restorative yoga is: Beginner

Aerial Yoga

aerial yoga

Aerial yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was created by Michelle Dortignac, a former gymnast and aerial performer. Aerial yoga is a fun and adventurous practice that uses a hammock, a fabric sling suspended from the ceiling, to support and enhance the yoga poses. Aerial yoga poses can be inverted, suspended, or grounded, depending on the level and the intention of the class.

Aerial yoga is a good option for people who want a playful and exhilarating workout, as well as for those who seek novelty, freedom, and joy in their practice. Aerial yoga can help you improve your core strength, balance, flexibility, and inversion skills. It can also help you decompress the spine, increase the blood flow, and boost the endorphins.

Some examples of Aerial yoga poses are:

  • Aerial mountain pose: a standing pose that holds the hammock in front of the chest, grounding the feet and lengthening the spine
  • Aerial plank pose: a plank-like pose that places the feet in the hammock and the hands on the floor, engaging the core and arms
  • Aerial downward dog pose: an inverted pose that places the hips in the hammock and the hands and feet on the floor, stretching the back and legs
  • Aerial warrior III pose: a balancing pose that places one foot in the hammock and the other leg and torso parallel to the floor, strengthening the legs and core
  • Aerial backflip pose: a backbend pose that flips the body over the hammock, opening the chest, shoulders, and hips, and expressing fun and courage
  • Aerial savasana pose: a resting pose that wraps the body in the hammock, creating a cocoon-like sensation of comfort and security

The difficulty level of Aerial yoga is: Intermediate to Advanced

Power Yoga

power yoga

Power yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was influenced by Ashtanga yoga, but with more flexibility and diversity. Power yoga is a vigorous and energetic practice that combines strength, speed, and flexibility in a variety of poses, sequences, and transitions. Power yoga does not follow a fixed sequence of poses, but rather adapts to the level, theme, and goal of the class.

Power yoga is a good option for people who want a powerful and dynamic workout, as well as for those who seek challenge, transformation, and empowerment in their practice. Power yoga can help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, muscle tone, metabolism, and weight loss. It can also help you increase your confidence, motivation, and resilience.

Some examples of Power yoga poses are:

  • Crow pose: an arm balance pose that places the knees on the upper arms and lifts the feet off the floor, strengthening the arms, wrists, and core
  • Side plank pose: a balancing pose that supports the body on one arm and one leg, engaging the obliques, shoulders, and hips
  • Warrior III pose: a balancing pose that extends one leg and the torso parallel to the floor, strengthening the legs, glutes, and back
  • Wheel pose: a backbend pose that lifts the body on the hands and feet, opening the chest, abdomen, and thighs
  • Half moon pose: a balancing pose that lifts one leg and one arm to the side, opening the hips, hamstrings, and chest
  • Handstand pose: an inverted pose that supports the body on the hands, strengthening the arms, shoulders, and core, and reversing the blood flow

The difficulty level of Power yoga is: Intermediate to Advanced

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a type of Hatha yoga that was introduced by Yogi Bhajan, a spiritual teacher and leader of the Sikh Dharma. Kundalini yoga is a holistic and esoteric practice that aims to awaken the kundalini, a dormant energy that lies at the base of the spine, and raise it through the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Kundalini yoga combines asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, bandha, and meditation in a dynamic and powerful way.

Kundalini yoga is a good option for people who want a comprehensive and spiritual workout, as well as for those who seek awareness, enlightenment, and bliss in their practice. Kundalini yoga can help you improve your nervous system, glandular system, immune system, and brain function. It can also help you balance your emotions, clear your karma, and connect with your higher self.

Some examples of Kundalini yoga poses are:

  • Easy pose: a seated pose that crosses the legs and aligns the spine, creating a comfortable and stable base for the practice
  • Breath of fire: a rapid and rhythmic breathing technique that pumps the navel and oxygenates the blood, generating heat and energy
  • Ego eradicator: a pose that raises the arms at 60 degrees, curls the fingers into the palms, and breathes fire, releasing the ego and opening the heart
  • Spinal flex: a pose that moves the spine forward and backward, stimulating the spinal fluid and the nervous system
  • Sufi grind: a pose that rotates the spine in a circular motion, massaging the internal organs and the lower back
  • Sat kriya: a pose that contracts the navel and the pelvic floor, chanting “sat nam”, activating the kundalini and the chakras

The difficulty level of Kundalini yoga is: Beginner to Intermediate

Okay, I will write a recap and a conclusion for the whole blog post. Here is a possible way to end your post:


In this post, we have explored 10 different types of yoga, we have learned about their benefits, features, and difficulty levels, as well as some examples of poses for each type. We have also seen how yoga is not just a physical practice, but also a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a path to enlightenment.


Yoga is a wonderful practice that can offer you many benefits for your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are looking for a relaxing, challenging, fun, or spiritual workout, there is a type of yoga that suits your needs and preferences. The best way to find out which type of yoga is right for you is to try different styles and see how they make you feel. Remember, yoga is not a competition, but a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. So, be open, curious, and compassionate, and enjoy the process!

We hope this post has inspired you to explore the amazing world of yoga and find your way to connect with yourself and the universe


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